Giving you the benefits you don't get from insurance

Class-leading support and outstanding value for only £29 a year

We have 58,971 members and their families, driving 77,645 vehicles and riding 49,143 cycles

In 2024 we saved our members £467,680 in recovery fees, storage charges, and insurance excess

In 2024 we successfully helped 5,372 members with their motoring, cycling and property claims

Total Motor Assist FAQ

Total Motor Assist FAQ

Can't find what you want below? Please contact us

I'm going to join Assist Protect

» How can you offer the service for free? How do you make money? ▾

» My son/daughter lives away at university. Are they covered? ▾

» What's the actual likelihood of me having an accident? ▾

» I am a young driver and my insurance excess is set to the maximum - how can you help? ▾

» After the free membership expires, what happens then? ▾

I am already a member of Total Motor Assist

» How do I order a new glove box document(s)? ▾

» I recently bought some Glovebox Booklets, when will they arrive? ▾

» My TMA membership is about to expire. How do I renew my membership? ▾

» I've paid, but I keep getting renewal emails ▾

» I want to cancel. What do I do? ▾

» My personal details have changed like moving house or changed my email address. What do I do? ▾

» I've changed my car or I want to add an extra car(s), how can I update this? ▾

Renewing my Membership

» After the free membership expires, what happens then? ▾

» My TMA membership is about to expire. How do I renew my membership? ▾

» I'm not a member of the employee benefits provider any more. Can I still keep TMA? ▾

At the Accident Scene

» If I am involved in an accident with another vehicle on the road, what should I do?

» Following an accident. What information should I provide to the other driver, who would ask for my insurance details? ▾

» When you recover my car, where do you take it? ▾

» What happens if the other driver failed to stop, or was uninsured? ▾

» I have fully comprehensive insurance, why should I ring the TMA Helpline? ▾

» When I ring the TMA helpline following an accident, is my call answered in a call centre? ▾

Managing my claim

» How will I prove the accident wasn't my fault? ▾

» Who pays for the services we provide? ▾

» How do you manage my claim? ▾

» What happens if my car is assessed as a write off? ▾

» If you manage my claim, what excess do I pay? ▾

» Do I have to use your repairing garage to carry out the repairs or can I use another garage? ▾

» Do I have to pay legal fees? ▾

» If I have passengers in my car, can they claim compensation if the road accident was not my fault? ▾

» What happens if I am injured in the accident? ▾

» How do I know if I am entitled to make a compensation claim? ▾

I've had an Accident that is NOT my fault - how can you help?

» I have reported a claim - what happens next ▾

» I want to report an accident, what do I do? ▾

» I've had an accident and want to claim for personal injury. What do I do? ▾

» Can you tell me what a non-fault accident is? ▾

» I have to tell my insurance company when I have an accident. When do I do this if I call you for help? ▾

» If I am involved in an accident with another vehicle on the road, what should I do? ▾

» Following an accident. What information do you provide to the other driver, who would ask for my insurance details? ▾

» If the accident isn t may fault will I need to claim on my insurance? ▾

» Can you arrange for the repairs to be carried out to my vehicle? ▾

» What will happen if my car is a write off? ▾

» If the accident was not my fault and I claim through TMA, what can I expect? ▾

» If the accident was not my fault and I claim through my insurer rather than TMA, what can I expect? ▾

I've had an accident that is my fault - how can you help?

» What happens if the accident is my fault? ▾

» I have just had an accident and I think it's my fault. What should I do? ▾

» I have to tell my insurance company when I have an accident. When do I do this if I call you for help? ▾

» If the accident was my fault, can you help me? ▾

» Can you arrange for the repairs to be carried out to my vehicle? ▾

» What will happen if my car is a write off? ▾

» I've had an accident and want to claim for personal injury. What do I do? ▾

Someone calling you saying they're from Total Motor Assist

» I've had a call from Total Motor Assist asking me about an accident some months ago. Is this genuine? ▾

Other products and recommendations

» My breakdown cover is about to expire. Do you offer breakdown? ▾

» Is breakdown included in Total Motor Assist? ▾

» Do you provide car insurance? ▾

Join us now

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© Assist Protect Limited. All rights reserved.

AssistProtect, the AssistProtect logo and all the logos of Assist Protect Ltd's products and services are trademarks of Assist Protect Ltd.
The website and its designs are solely owned by Assist Protect Ltd.