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Giving you the benefits you don't get from insurance

We have 58,971 members and their families, driving 77,645 vehicles and riding 49,143 cycles

In 2024 we saved our members £467,680 in recovery fees, storage charges, and insurance excess

In 2024 we successfully helped 5,372 members with their motoring, cycling and property claims

Get a V5C vehicle registration certificate (log book) for any vehicle

Get a V5C vehicle registration certificate (log book) for any vehicle

You can apply by phone or send form V62 by post to get a replacement V5C vehicle registration certificate (log book).

You can get a replacement if your original V5C certificate has been lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or you haven't received the V5C for your new vehicle.

If you buy a vehicle without a V5C certificate, you might not be able to tax it and drive it on public roads until you get one.

You can call DVLA Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, and on Saturday 8am-2pm on 0300 790 6802 If you apply by phone there's a £25 fee and it can take up to 5 days to get your V5C.

If you apply by post, there's no fee if you haven't received the V5C registration certificate for your new vehicle but still have your green V5C/2 section. You'll need to send this in with the completed V62 form. It can take up to 6 weeks to get your V5C.

Get the DVLA's V62 application form

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